Comments on: Birmingham Civic Dashboard: E-Government to We-Government via Open Data The PEP-NET Blog Mon, 13 Aug 2012 23:09:30 +0000 hourly 1 By: Simon Whitehouse Simon Whitehouse Thu, 13 Oct 2011 11:10:02 +0000 Hello John Thank you for the write-up, it's much appreciated. One thing that I have become increasingly aware of during the development of the Civic Dashboard is that what we are doing is publishing data almost entirely out of context. Yes, you can see the change in demand for services over time, but not the context that you describe in your post about the relative number of council tenants in different areas. Already we have had requests for more detail about the types of housing repairs that are requested and also for website statistics to compare against the number of phone calls we take. I hope this means that the Civic Dashboard will act as a generator of demand for more open data to make sense of the (relatively) tiny bit we are releasing with through the site. Hello John
Thank you for the write-up, it’s much appreciated.
One thing that I have become increasingly aware of during the development of the Civic Dashboard is that what we are doing is publishing data almost entirely out of context. Yes, you can see the change in demand for services over time, but not the context that you describe in your post about the relative number of council tenants in different areas.
Already we have had requests for more detail about the types of housing repairs that are requested and also for website statistics to compare against the number of phone calls we take.
I hope this means that the Civic Dashboard will act as a generator of demand for more open data to make sense of the (relatively) tiny bit we are releasing with through the site.
