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BerlinInOctober 2009 Unconference

September 9th, 2009 in Events by e.V /

The European e-participation-scene gathered in BerlinInAugust 2007 to identify future aspects of the growing field of e-democracy. 25 Participants from 13 countries discussed for two days in the Hertie School of Governance in Berlin (ehemaliges Staatsratsgebäude) what issues are emerging, discussed good and bad practices and tried to build up a network. The British Council Germany gave some funding for travel expenses. On July 17th and 18th 2008 there has been a follow up - BerlinInJuly 2008 . Tom Steinberg,, Politik Digital, and Christian Heise, / were bound to be the inviting group. The group of guests included some of the 2007 guests as well as some new people; important new networks in the field will be informed about the meeting. In total, there were about 40 international persons attending the unconference which was prepared, just as in the last year, through this wiki.

This year, on 15-16th October 2009, there will be another follow up: Berlin in October 2009. Even though this Unconference is by invite only, we are still looking for suggestions of smart, interesting people to join. The only real criteria for attendees: the desire and the determination to get things built that actually help citizens, rather than just talking about how great it could be if someone else did it. If you feel that you would be matching this profile, please contact one of the organising institutions. There are still open slots. We especially welcome non-EU participants. Limited funding is available.

Don't Vote in the German Federal election 2009

August 13th, 2009 in Interview, News, members by e.V /

For the upcoming German Federal election 2009,, in a joint project with pro-bono TV production, published a video clip which shows various celebrities telling not to vote. You can watch the clip here (sorry, I couldn’t embed the clip):

Geh nicht hin!

For those of you who are non-German speakers, find an english article about the project on This article comes along with a radio interview including a statement by executive director Stefan Gehrke.

Trophy-Cup: PEP-NET goes conference

July 16th, 2009 in Uncategorized by e.V /

Launched on initiative by individual PEP-NET members, a working group came up with a strategy for PEP-NET to be promoted on conferences in our field of expertise. The main results of the working group are as follows:

1)The aim of the initiative is to brand and promote the name and idea of PEP-NET as well as to acquire new members;
2)Starting in September, PEP-NET will become an integral component of conferences organized by members of PEP-NET;
3)Presentation and implementation of PEP-NET during the conferences should remain within the responsibility of the respective organizers. Though the working group agreed on four minimum features which should be common in all conferences:


  1. 1.A PEP-NET workshop should be organized along a specific question; the question remains the same in all conferences, yet provokes hopefully very different results since the participants of the respective workshops have very different backgrounds (e.g. scientists, politicians, NGO-practitioners).
  1. 2.PEP-NET should always be presented in a short introduction, maybe also with the help of graphic displays (e.g. banner, stand-up displays, buttons).
  1. 3.The working group will design a leaflet, which contains information about upcoming conferences, a short whois and maybe contact details; the leaflet will be circulated among the PEP-NET members and should also be handed out to the participants of PEP-NET workshops.
  1. 4.Each PEP-NET workshop should start with the findings of the previous workshop and try to complement the views.

4) The results of PEP-NET workshops are thought to be summed up in a conference proceeding, which will be posted in a specific section on our web-log. A right-frame-teaser could possibly be created for the homepage.

The members of the working group are happy to receive your comments, feedback, ideas or support on this initiative. We encourage you also to communicate the new PEP-NET slots on conferences and to create awareness of our new initiative.