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10. November 2009 – 15:57 by ASAEL

España mantiene su posición en el ranking europeo que mide el desarrollo de la Sociedad de la Información, a pesar de los efectos de la situación económica, y logra avanzar en la convergencia tecnológica con la media de la Unión Europea. Ésta es una de las principales conclusiones que arroja el Informe anual sobre el desarrollo de la Sociedad de la Información eEspaña 2009, elaborado por la Fundación Orange, y presentado el 6 de julio en un acto presidido por Esperanza Aguirre y Vicente Álvarez Areces, presidentes de los gobiernos autonómicos de Madrid y Asturias, respectivamente. Luis Alberto Salazar-Simpson, presidente de la Fundación Orange, y Manuel Gimeno, director general de la Fundación Orange, fueron los encargados de presentar el informe.

- En el Índice eEspaña 2009, nuestro país se sitúa en el puesto decimosexto, manteniéndose las distancias con los países líderes

- Madrid lidera el Índice de Convergencia de la Sociedad de la Información en las CC AA

- Asturias es la CC AA que encabeza el estudio sobre la disponibilidad de servicios on-line de las administraciones de las CC AA

- Pese al impulso presupuestario del Plan Avanza, los objetivos de la Agenda de Lisboa parecen difíciles de conseguir, tanto para España como para una buena parte de los países de la UE

- España está entre los líderes de banda ancha móvil, con 15,6 millones de usuarios potenciales, y fija, con el 97% de las de las empresas de 10 o más empleados que se conectan a Internet

- Las redes sociales se han convertido en un fenómeno de tal magnitud que el 73,7% de los internautas españoles mayores de 15 años son usuarios de este tipo de servicios, sólo por detrás del Reino Unido (casi el 80%) 

- Desde marzo de 2006 se han emitido unos 10 millones de DNI electrónicos, situando a España a la cabeza de Europa, con cerca del 25% de la población documentada electrónicamente


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Participation Processes in Aragon to Debate on the Mountain

25. September 2009 – 09:08 by ASAEL


The members of the table for discussion on the Mountain have been held on August 25 its fifth meeting, once signed a consensus document on the Development Model for Mountain territories. In it, the debate has begun on the contents of the future Law has been initiated, work which will continue until the end of the year. Participants have been cited for a new session on September 15.


This space for dialogue was created with the desire to explore the possibilities of rapprochement and agreement in reference to the conflicts of the mountain. After the Constitution of the Bureau, has begun a deliberation phase that lasts until the first quarter of 2010, after which, conclusions will be presented. Furthermore, from this process you can also access to the information generated by this table for discussion and also to relevant documents such as regulatory Block application to mountain areas in Aragon.


The Bureau of debate on the Mountain aims to deliberate for a year on the conflicts in the mountains in Aragon and the formulation of a law on the Mount make compatible the development of these areas with the desire of people living with dignity in the territory. Therefore, such development must be sustainable in economic, social and environmental ways.


For this purpose it is wanted to count on the complicity of all the stakeholders involved, so it was decided that the 13 members of this forum for dialogue should be agreed with the two entities represented at the first session of the conflict, the Association of Local Aragonese Pyrenees (ADELPA) and the Platform in Defense of Mountains.


Marcelino Iglesias, President of the Government of Aragon, has undertaken to inform the Parliament of the outcome of this debate at the end thereof and also supporting the process of elaboration of the Natural Resource Management (PORN) of Anayet. Also, it won’t be advanced any proposal on this area until it is the initial approval PORN.


Who is involved

The General Director of Citizen Participation, Nacho Celaya, ADELPA and the Platform in Defense of Mountains have decided that the table should be composed of 13 members, three representatives of the Government of Aragon, with a technical support role, and ten actors:


 - As representatives of the Government of Aragon, with technical and facilitative role: the General Director of Citizen Participation, Nacho Celaya-as-coordinator, a representative of the Department of Land Planning (Alfredo Cajal and Paul Dolz ), and a representative of the Environment Department (Roque Vincente and Angel Garcia).


- As actors representing all viewpoints:

1 Representative on behalf of the President of the Government of Aragon, Miguel Gracia and Ignacio Revillo.

2 Representatives on behalf of ADELPA: Raúl López, José María Abarca, Joaquin Paricio and Jose Luis Sanchez.

2 Representatives on behalf of the Platform in Defense of Mountains: Paco Iturbe, Manuel Badia and Juan Carlos Cirera.

1 Representative on behalf of the Aragonese Federation of Municipalities, Counties, Regions and Provinces (FAMCP): Martin Nicholas and Jesus Edo.

1 Representative on behalf of Aragonese employers: Jesus Morte (CREA).

1 Representative on behalf of the Agrarian Union: Maximino Portaña (UAGA) and Ramon Ballarín (ASAJA).

1 Representative on behalf of the Aragonese Federation of Mountaineering: Fernando Modesto Lampre Pascau

1 Representative on behalf of the Pyrenean Institute of Ecology: Concepcion Lopez and Daniel Gomez.


Under the agreement, each entity has twice elected members assigned, which may participate in the table interchangeably. In addition, all appointees will receive minutes of meetings. In case an issue or more localized conflict is pointed out, the representative may be from the affected area. There may also be contemplating the possibility of attending guests, due to their significance, should be convenient to attend specific meetings.

Work Development


Commissioning of creation and announcement of commitments


On 14th April 2009, the President of the Government of Aragon, Marcelino Iglesias, accompanied by the Minister of Land Planning, Justice and Interior, Rogelio Silva and General Director of Citizen Participation, Nacho Celaya, met with representatives of the Platform in Defense of Mountains and the Association of Local Organizations in the Aragonese Pyrenees (Adelpa). At this first meeting undertook the establishment of a panel, consisting of twelve people and coordinated by Nacho Celaya, to be discussed during one year on:


• The development model for the mountain.

• The scope and content of future mountain counties law.

• And the chances of agreement on specific conflicts.


The General Director of Citizen Participation, ADELPA and Platform in Defense of Mountains should agree the members involved. Meanwhile, Marcelino Iglesias agreed to transfer the final results to the Parliament of Aragon, and support the development Anayet PORN and not advance any proposal on this area until it was approved this plan.


Presentation of the final members


After two meetings to agree on members of the board between the coordinator, Nacho Celaya ADELPA and Platform in Defense of Mountains, on June 9TH met the participants in this space for dialogue to establish definitively the table for discussion.


In this session, held in the Board Bayeu of Pignatelli Building, all participants unanimously agreed on the previous proposal objectives, methodology and timetable. From this commitment, deliberation stage began to tackle the mountain model, a future act of mountains and the possible resolution of specific conflicts.




A development model


On June 23rd at Edificio Pignatelli, the officers held the second meeting which set out the various sensitivities on the development model they advocate for these territories. During the session, it was also discussed the concept of mountain territories and legislation affecting these areas, with the aim of agreeing a proposal document that sets out the principles and lines of action as a basis for future Act Mountain.


On July 7th at the County Council of Huesca, the officers held their third meeting, where it was discussed the draft development model, developed with the contributions already made. This discussion, seeking consensus on a final document was focused on: the basic principles that should guide the model, the potential of the uniqueness of the mountain and the primary sector model wanted to empower.


On 14th July was held in Zaragoza in the headquarters of Aragon Government, the fourth meeting to finalize the Development Model for Mountain territories.


On July 31st, all members of the Bureau of Debate on the Mountain signed this consensus document as a basis for developing future Law. Before the participants of the Bureau were introduced into the interior of all entities involved, ratifying it and so do the final signing. Thus, here concludes the work of the first phase.


Contents of the Law


On August 25th, in Building Pignatelli, the officers have met to assess the work done so far and start working on the contents of the future Law of the Mountain. The session presented a legislative proposal which script is based on three axes:


1 – The protection of unique natural spaces.

2 – Support the development and welfare of the inhabitants of the mountain.

3 – The regulation of land use.

On each of them it has been displayed the planning tools and existing regulations. In September, it will combine organizations internal working, the debate on the fields or content of the law and addressing the most contentious projects affecting the development of mountain territories.


Until the end of the year, work will focus on two main issues:


- The scope and content of future law of the Mountain. Considering that participants should establish agreed principles and contents to help develop a mountain counties Law.

- And besides, will address specific conflicts with the goal of finding consensus solutions to pass ‘from no to maybe no’.




Upon conclusion of the meetings to be held until the first quarter of 2010, the President of the Government of Aragon, Marcelino Iglesias, will inform the Parliament of Aragon in the results. The main objective is that the process ends with the approval of the Law of the Mountain able to reconcile development of mountain areas, allowing people to live with dignity in their territory, that development is sustainable from an economical, social, and environmental point of view.



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Procesos de Participación en Aragón para Debates sobre la Montaña

23. September 2009 – 13:22 by ASAEL

Los integrantes de La Mesa de Debate sobre la Montaña han celebrado el 25 de agosto su quinta reunión, una vez firmado un documento de consenso sobre el Modelo de desarrollo para los territorios de Montaña. En ella han comenzado el trabajo de debate sobre los contenidos de la futura Ley, que se continuará hasta finales del año. Los participantes se han citado para una nueva sesión el 15 de septiembre.

Este espacio de diálogo nace con el deseo de explorar las posibilidades de acercamiento y acuerdo en referencia a los conflictos de la montaña. Tras la Constitución de la Mesa, ha comenzado la fase de Deliberación que durará hasta el primer trimestre de 2010, tras la cual se presentarán las Conclusiones. Además, desde este proceso también puedes acceder a la Información que genere esta Mesa de debate y a documentos de interés, como el Bloque normativo de aplicación a las zonas de Montaña en Aragón.

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European eGovernment Awards 2009 finalists known!

9. September 2009 – 09:20 by ASAEL

The European Commission unveiled the 52 finalist projects which will compete for the European eGovernment Awards 2009. The list of the 52 finalists along with the 55 additional good practice is listed below. The Awards ceremony will take place on 19 November 2009 in Malmö, Sweden.

Finalist and Good Practice Projects


Category1. eGovernment supporting the Single Market

Category2a. eGovernment empowering citizens

Category2b. eGovernment empowering businesses

Category3. eGovernment enabling administrative efficiency and effectiveness

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España trabaja para un nuevo modelo de gobernanza del Espacio Europeo de Investigación

1. September 2009 – 11:03 by ASAEL

La Presidencia Española, en el primer semestre de 2010, se ha comprometido a preparar una sólida propuesta de la estructura de la Gobernanza del ERA.

España está trabajando ya en el diseño de un nuevo modelo para la gobernanza del Espacio Europeo de Investigación (ERA en sus siglas en inglés), que se prevé aprobar coincidiendo con la Presidencia Española del Consejo de la Unión Europea, durante el primer semestre de 2010, tras los acuerdos alcanzados en la presidencia francesa en torno a los objetivos generales, conocidos como la “Visión ERA”. Con el objeto de presentar una propuesta lo más sólida y ambiciosa posible, el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación ha reunido este 14 de enero por primera vez, en su sede, a un destacado grupo internacional de personalidades de la ciencia, la innovación, la empresa y la política.

La Ministra de Ciencia e Innovación, Cristina Garmendia, ha agradecido al grupo de expertos su colaboración y disponibilidad para “ayudar a España en un trabajo que es central para los objetivos de nuestra Presidencia y para el futuro de Europa” y ha añadido que el “futuro papel de la Unión en el mundo exige que Europa sea líder en ciencia e innovación, y ese liderazgo pasa por avanzar en la construcción de un espacio único europeo de investigación”.

Tras el lanzamiento de la idea inicial en el año 2000, el proceso de construcción del ERA se retomó en las últimas presidencias eslovena y francesa, con el denominado “Proceso de Liubliana”, en las que se marcaron los pasos a seguir, momento en el España adquirió el compromiso de preparar una propuesta para la “gobernanza” que será presentada durante la Presidencia española del Consejo de la Unión Europea.

Qué es la gobernanza del ERA

En este contexto, la gobernanza se entiende como la definición del papel qué los distintos agentes del sistema de investigación —ministerios, agencias, centros de investigación, universidades— juegan en el diseño y ejecución de los planes de I+D, a escala europea, nacional y regional.

Supone encontrar formas eficientes de gestionar grandes infraestructuras científicas compartidas entre varios países, así como formas de gestionar la elaboración conjunta de programas de financiación entre varios estados miembros de la unión.

Además, esta primera reunión ha servido como preparación de los objetivos en materia científica y tecnológica que adquirirá España en la presidencia del Consejo de la Unión Europea durante el primer semestre de 2010, periodo crucial para el futuro de la Unión y para la constitución del ERA.

El encuentro es una iniciativa de la dirección general de Cooperación Internacional, cuya directora general, Montserrat Torné, coordina en el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación los preparativos para la presidencia española.

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Spain works on a new governance model for the European Research Area

1. September 2009 – 10:59 by ASAEL

The Spanish Presidency in the first half of 2010, has committed to prepare a solid proposal for the structure of governance of ERA.

Spain is working on designing a new governance model for the European Research Area (ERA in its English acronym), which is expected to be approve in conjunction with the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the European Union during the first half of 2010, following the agreements reached at the French presidency on general objectives, known as the “Vision ERA”. In order to present a solid proposal as ambitious as possible, the Ministry of Science and Innovation has met this January 14th, for the first time at its headquarters, an international group of prominent personalities in science, innovation, business and politics.

The Minister for Science and Innovation, Cristina Garmendia, thanked the group of experts for their cooperation and willingness to “help Spain in a work that is important to the goals of our Presidency and the future of Europe” and added that ” Union’s future role in the world calls for European leadership in science and innovation, and that leadership passes to advance the construction of a single European area of research.”

Following the launch of the initial idea in 2000, the construction of the ERA process was revived in recent Slovenian and French presidencies, the so-called “Ljubljana Process”, where it were marked the steps to follow, and when Spain made a commitment to prepare a proposal for the “governance” to be presented during the Spanish Presidency of the European Union.

What is the governance of the ERA

In this context, governance is understood as defining the role that different actors of the research system as ministries, agencies, research centres, universities, play in the design and implementation of the R & D at European, national and regional levels.

It involves finding efficient ways to manage large scientific infrastructure shared between several countries and ways of managing the joint development of funding programs from several states of the union.

Moreover, this first meeting served as preparation of the objectives in science and technology to be acquire at Spain’s presidency of the EU during the first half of 2010, a crucial period for the future of the Union and the constitution of the ERA .

The meeting is an initiative of the General Office for International Cooperation, whose director general, Montserrat Torné, coordinates with the Ministry of Science and Innovation preparations for the Spanish presidency.

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España pide un mayor papel de la ONU en Gobernanza Económica Internacional

7. July 2009 – 14:47 by ASAEL

España se pronunció a favor de que Naciones Unidas tenga un mayor papel en la gobernanza económica internacional, según dijo hoy ante el organismo multilateral, dedicados a buscar una solución a la crisis económica global, su secretaria de Estado de Cooperación Internacional, Soraya Rodríguez.

Para lograrlo, las autoridades de Madrid pidieron reforzar el Consejo Económico y Social (ECOSOC), “para convertirlo así en el foro de referencia indiscutible en los debates sobre el desarrollo económico y social”, sin necesidad de crear nuevos organismos.

El Gobierno español, explicó, apuesta por un ECOSOC reforzado, con mayores recursos humanos, con un mandato ampliado y más claro, y que cuente con una verdadera red de expertos independientes de apoyo para proporcionar evidencia científica a sus decisiones.

También dijo que el papel de la ONU en la gobernanza económica internacional “no debe ser excluyente, sino al contrario, debe ser complementario” al de otros foros como el G-20 o al que realizan las instituciones financieras internacionales, en la gestión del sistema internacional en materias monetarias, financieras y comerciales.

Otros participantes en los debates, como el presidente de Ecuador, Rafael Correa, y otros representantes latinoamericanos abogaron porque sea exclusivamente la ONU la que centre los debates sobre las soluciones a la crisis económica global y su impacto en el mundo del desarrollo.

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Spain asks the United Nations to have a bigger role in International Financial e-Governing

7. July 2009 – 14:45 by ASAEL

Spain supported the United Nations to have a bigger role in the international financial e-governing, as it was announced by Soraya Rodríguez, State Secretary of International Cooperation, to the multilateral organism in order to search a solution for the economic global crisis.

To achieve the results, authorities from Madrid asked for reinforcing the Economic and Social Council, in order to convert it in an indisputable reference institution for the debates concerning the economic and social development, so it will not be necessary to create new organisms.

The Spanish government bets on a reinforced Economic and Social Council, with better human resources, with an extended and clearer mandate counting with a real independent supporting net of experts to provide scientific evidence to its decisions.

It has also said that the United Nations role in international financial e-governing “mustn’t be excluding, on the other hand, should be complementary” to the other forums like the G-20 or the ones realized by the international financial institutions in the managing of international system concerning monetary, financial and commercial issues.

Other participants in the debates, like the Ecuador President, Rafael Correa, and other Latin Americans representatives, plead for United Nations to be the only one to take part in the debates concerning the solutions to the global economic crisis and its impact on the develop world.

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25. May 2009 – 16:10 by ASAEL

ASAEL colaborará activamente en los debates de las II Jornadas de participación ciudadana que se celebrará el próximo 27 de mayo de 2009 en el centro Joaquín Roncal en Zaragoza. El objetivo de ASAEL es aportar la experiencia adquirida a través del Proyecto Pep-Net de Participación ciudadana, enmarcado en el Programa Europeo de Competitividad e Innovación.

Las II Jornadas sobre participación ciudadana en el ámbito local están dirigidas a cargos electos de la Administración Local, Ayuntamientos, Comarcas, Técnicos de estas administraciones vinculados con la participación ciudadana y representantes de entidades sociales que trabajen en el ámbito de lo local y al ciudadano en general.

Los Objetivos de la jornada son:

 • Reflexionar sobre los retos y oportunidades que conlleva la elaboración y aprobación de normas que fomenten la participación de la ciudadanía en la construcción de las políticas públicas.

• Analizar el régimen jurídico vigente en materia de participación ciudadana en el ámbito local.

• Establecer un marco de aprendizaje y análisis desde las experiencias de entidades locales

Las conclusiones derivadas de esta Jornada de Participación Ciudadana serán muy relevantes para la ciudadanía de la región aragonesa, sobre todo a nivel local, puesto que se tratarán temas tales como el marco normativo de la participación ciudadana en el ámbito local y el Reglamento de participación ciudadana. Es fundamental conocer los marcos que permitan promocionar la participación de los ciudadanos.

La elaboración de normas que regulen mecanismos de participación ciudadana requiere de un proceso previo de experimentación y de un alto grado de participación de todos los actores implicado. El resultado final será la clave para una gestión eficaz de los asuntos locales.

«Hoy no se puede gobernar sin contar con la colaboración, las voces y las complicidades de la ciudadanía y de sus organizaciones». Marcelino Iglesias. Presidente del Gobierno de Aragón.


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25. May 2009 – 16:07 by ASAEL

ASAEL will actively collaborate in the debates of the II Conference of citizen participation which will be held on May 27th, 2009 in the Center Joaquin Roncal of Zaragoza. ASAEL’s goal is to provide the experience learned through Pep-Net Project for Citizen Participation, set in the European Program Competitiveness and Innovation.

The II Conference about citizen’s participation at local level are addressed to Local Governments, Municipalities, Counties, Technicians associated to these authorities and citizen participation representatives of social organizations working in the local level and the citizen in general. 

The objectives of the Conference are:

 • Reflecting on the challenges and opportunities associated with the approval and adoption of rules that promote public participation in the construction of public policies.

• Analyze the existing legal regime concerning citizen participation at local level.

• Establish a framework for analysis and learning from the experiences of local entities.

The conclusions from this seminar about Citizen Participation will be very relevant to the citizenship of the Aragon region, especially at the local level, since they cover topics such as the regulatory framework for public participation at local level and Regulations for Citizen Participation. It is essential to understand the frameworks that promote the participation of citizens.  

The development of governing mechanisms rules for citizen participation requires a prior process of experimentation and a high degree of participation of all actors involved. The end result will be the key to effective management of local affairs.  

“Today we can not govern without the cooperation, the voices and the complicity of citizens and their organizations.” By Marcelino Iglesias. Head President of the Government of Aragon.