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Weekly eParticipation News digest – October 10th–16th 200916. October 2009 – 11:03 by Bengt Feil |
In this post I would like to mention a few interesting posts related to eParticipation in the last week. The goal is to give an overview of what was going on in the eParticipation realm last week. The full articles are always linked to under the short summaries. This kind of digest will be published each week from now on.
The Finnish environmental organisation Dodo makes use of Wikiplanning, invented by Peter Tattersall of the same organisation, to increase participation in urban planning processes.
The team of the EuroPetition project has presented a comprehensive flowchart describing the inner workings of online petitioning systems. It both incorporates the steps of the lifespan of an online petition and the different technical and procedural components necessary to make it work.
The final report of the eParticipatory budgeting action 2009 in Hamburg / Germany has been published in German. It includes in depth information about the process, the participation and the results of the effort. An English summary of the report will be published on the PEP-NET blog in the near future.
The Guardian newspaper has been prevented from reporting on a question pending in the British parliament. The social web however did ignore the fact that the Guardian was not able to report and picked up the story in a wide variety of blog posts, Twitter updates etc. making the actual story (related to the company Trafigura dumping toxic waste in the port of Aibidjan in 2006) much more visible to the world than it would have ever been.
David Briggs debunks the myth that the classical methods of participation engage everyone while online participation does only reach a few. He makes two central points: Firstly that no one participation method will be able to reach everyone and secondly that you might not necessarily want to reach everyone.
Right now there is the informal Berlin in October meeting of eDemocracy and eParticipation experts and practitioners in Berlin. It is the third time this event is held in Berlin after two successful instalments in 2007 and 2008. The proceedings of this meeting can be followed on the wiki:
In a 98 page report Accenture takes a look at the transition from e-Government to e-Governance. They furthermore suggest a “Public Service Value Governance Framework“ as a model to improve citizen engagement. Of course this report has Accenture written all over it but it still contains some interesting points. The full report can be found here:
Tags: inenglish, Weekly Digest