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- Csaba:Personally, and I do think, th
- Sabrina Franceschini:Hi all! I agree the most of re
- Bengt Feil:@Tim David Newman (@davidrn
- Tim:Thanks for the summary! Wil
- Bengt Feil:I think that the emphasis on “
- Asociacion Ciudades Kyosei:Well, I’m not sure if the “e-”
- Peter Cruickshank:Thanks for getting a summary u
- Bengt Feil:Well done! I especially lik
- Julien Frisch:There are some really interest
- Rolf Lührs:Dear Olga, well, there is n
Recent Posts
- How democratic countries try to control the Internet
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- Impressions of the eDem 09 conference in Vienna
- BerlinInOctober 2009 Unconference
- European eGovernment Awards 2009 finalists known!
- Images for reflection (I): Evolution of the views on “What participation is”
- Call for drafting - the open declaration on public services 2.0
- Lessons Learned in eParticipation Blogging
- PEP-NET / Conferences Vote - the Results