eParticipation Study publish 216 initaitives identified and first iteration of its recommendations20. August 2008 – 15:18 by Danish Technological Institute |
As part of the ongoing eParticipation study eParticipation Study – titled “Study and supply of services on the development of eParticipation in the EU” - for the European Commission (DG Information Society and Media) the following project deliverables has been submitted to the client and now published:
eParticipation good practice cases (D4.2a)
eParticipation recommendations (D5.1a)
As part of the study’s initial analysis of eParticipation practitioner initiatives in Europe 216 cases from 18 countries and in 29 different languages have been identified to date and are initially available on our project website.
The first of three iterations of eParticipation related recommendations is also available now on our project website. At the end of the study the third and final iteration will provide a set of practical, and intellectually rigorous, recommendations. The recommendations aim to answer and specify (mainly at European level) the following:
What should be done by whom?
How this may be achieved?
Which types of ICT can be used?
How other types of media can be involved?
However, rather than attempting to provide recommendations at this early stage of the project, this first iteration pose a number of tentative questions. Questions which reflect some of the main lines of enquiry appropriate to the study and may help frame the final recommendations. The questions have arisen as a result of the work carried out to date and the current report may as a result also serve as a partial overview of the study as it currently stands.
The next wave of deliverables is foreseen for publication in October/Novermber 2008 and will include updates of all current findings. The second version of the deliverables will therefore reflect the further analysis carried out by the Consortium as well as take into account comments made by the project’s Peer Review Group and the European Commission.
All deliverables are available on the publications/public deliverables section of our project website: www.european-eparticipation.eu.
For further and related information please visit www.european-eparticipation.eu or the eParticipation and eDemocracy Network www.epractice.eu/community/eparticipation.
Morten Meyerhoff Nielsen, Business and Policy Analysis, Danish Technological Institute
Tags: Deliverables, development, DG Information Society and Media, eDemocracy, eParticipation, European Commission, good practice, inenglish, recommendations, Study
3 Responses to “eParticipation Study publish 216 initaitives identified and first iteration of its recommendations”
By Tim on Aug 20, 2008
The link to https://www.european-eparticipation.eu website is broken due to a typo (second to last paragraph). Thanks!
By Morten on Aug 21, 2008
Thank you for spotting that. Have corrected and double checked all the links and they should work now. My apologies for any inconveniences’.