“E-democracy 2.0. Institutions, citizen, new nets: a possibile lexicon”
11. March 2009 – 16:39 by Sabrina FranceschiniWednesday the 8th of April 2009, the Emilia-Romagna Region, in partnership with Pep-Net (Pan European ePartecipation Network), will promote in Bologna the international seminar “E-democracy 2.0. Istituzioni, cittadini, nuove reti: un lessico possibile”. Italian and European academics, professionals and promoter of e-democracy’s projects will discuss together about the real role that new media and nets can play for the growth of the citizens’ participation to the public and institutional contexts.
The specific aims of this seminar are:
- to provide a theoretical broad, updated and in-depth overview of trends, challenges and opportunities for citizens participation emerging in the new phase of development of online sphere, with a specific look both to the institutional initiatives and the citizens usages of new media and web 2.0 technologies;
- to promote an open discussion about the institutional and not-institutional approaches to e-participation.
The event will be divide in three panels. The first will be dedicated to the institutional role and the so called top down initiatives, through an analysis of the state of the art and a look to the prospects. The second panel will focus on the so called bottom up experiences, directly promoted by organizations and citizens networks to enlarge and enrich participation. Finally, during the third panel, after a look to the research findings about the Italian e-democracy national policies, all participants will be involved in an open discussion about the main issues of the seminar.
During the first week of April, on the website www.partecipa.net all concerned could confirm their presence to the seminar and also formulate questions and issues in sight of the final discussion. In the same webpages, speakers and guests of the event will publish short abstract and bibliographic references about the main topics under analysis.
E-democracy 2.0
Istituzioni, cittadini, nuove reti: un lessico possibile
Wednesday 8th of April, Bologna (Sala Borsa, Piazza Nettuno 3)
h. 10.00 - welcome greetings
Gaudenzio Garavini – Regione Emiklia-Romagna, Direttore Generale Organizzazione, Sistemi Informativi e Telematica
h. 10.15 - E-democracy 2.0: Institutions, citizens and new networks? Participation beyond the top-down approach
moderator: Sandra Lotti – Regione Emilia-Romagna, Coordinator of the Piano Telematico dell’Emilia-Romagna
Panel 1: The institutional role
Bryan Loader - University of York, Professor of Political Sociology, Co-Director of SIRU (Social Informatics Research Unit), Department of Sociology
Laura Sartori - Università di Bologna, Assistant Professor of Sociology, Department of Communication Sciences
Wainer Lusoli - Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS) European Commission Joint Research Centre (JRC), Scientific Officer
Sabrina Franceschini – Regione Emilia Romagna, Servizio Comunicazione, Educazione alla Sostenibilità, project manager “Partecipa.net” and “Io Partecipo”
Panel 2: The development of the online public sphere
Rolf Luhrs - Pan European eParticipation Network (Pep-net), Coordinator
Chiara Sebastiani – Università di Bologna, Associate Professor of Political Science, Department of Political Science
Peter Mambrey - Universitaet Duisburg-Essen, hhonor professor Politikwissenschatf Institut
Mayo Fuster Morell - European University Institute, Networked Politics, Ph.D. Researcher at the Social and Political Science Department and Member of Networked Politics project
Vittorio Alvino - Deep Association (Electronic Democracy and Public Participation), President
h. 12.30/13.15 buffet
h 13.15 - Panel 3: E-democracy, institutions and citizens: the Italian case
moderator: Anna Carola Freschi - Università di Bergamo, Assistant Professor of Sociology
The research findings about the Italian e-democracy national policy
Open discussion with the Italian practitioners (institutional and non-institutional projects).
Work languages: Italian and English (simultaneous translation services).