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CEE region countries ranking according to the UN e-participation 2010 index measurement (the first traits)13. April 2010 – 12:02 by Institute for Electronic Participation |
This is a short summary of the contribution to the CEE CN background paper provided for the PEP-NET on-line consultation “eParticipation in Central and Eastern Europe: The big questions“.
The table (available in pdf file from the Institute for Electronic Participation web site) representing current United Nations e-participation 2010 index measurement for CEE countries shows, that an average UN e-participation 2010 rank of the CEE region is rank 70th (+24 ranks improvement in relation to 2008) out of 178 countries included in report.
Countries with the highest level of rank improvement are TFYR Macedonia (+ 109), Bulgaria (+ 99), Romania (+ 83), and Albania (+ 66). On the hand, countries like Bosnia – Herzegovina (-37), Ukraine (- 35), Czech Republic (- 26) and Azerbaijan (- 19) are facing the largest position decrease.
Additionally, three sub groups within CEE region can be identified according to the UN e-participation 2010 ranking:
- High level e-participation countries (among the first 30 countries in the world):
Estonia, Lithuania, Slovenia, Croatia and Hungary. All countries except Croatia in this group are a new EU member states.
- Medium level e-participation countries (ranking 31-100 in the world): Bulgaria,
Latvia, Ukraine, Republic of Belarus, Poland, TFYR Macedonia, TFYR Macedonia, Romania,
Azerbaijan, Montenegro, Albania, Czech Republic and Russia.
- Low level e-participation countries (ranking among least developed countries in
the world): Slovakia, Georgia, Armenia, Bosnia – Herzegovina and Serbia.
Additional data will be presented in the next contribution to the background paper focusing on data comparison with the EU and more detailed explanation in relation to specific e-government components (on-line services, telecommunication infrastructure and human capital) in order to provide basic insight into key eGovernment enablers for eParticipation development in CEE region.
Prepared by Simon Delakorda, M. Sc.
Institute for Electronic Participation
Ljubljana, Slovenia
UN e-participation index notice: please note that this index is a very technically oriented index focusing on national governments performances only.
United Nations. 2010. E-Government Survey 2010: Leveraging E-government at a Time of
Financial and Economic Crisis (to be published). Available from https://www2.unpan.org/egovkb/global_reports/10report.htm.
United Nations. 2008. E-Government Survey 2008: From E-Government to Connected Governance. Available from https://www2.unpan.org/egovkb/global_reports/08report.htm.
Tags: CEE region, central and eastern europe, countries ranking, e-participation, Institute for Electronic Participation, on-line consultation, Slovenia, table, Trends, UN e-participation 2010 index