Blogging for Change(.org)

Thursday, October 9th, 2008

A few days ago I wrote and article about the State of Blogging today and claimed that blogging was not dead but maturing. The launch of´s social action blog network supports this point. Blogging has developed into one online tool among other to achieve distinct goals. The project ...

The state of blogging 2008

Friday, September 26th, 2008

Blogging has been around for several years now and even with major advocates and early adopters, as for example Jason Calacanis, supposedly giving it up it still growing strong. With the rise of blogging a few years ago the Technorati “State of the Blogosphere Report” was established. In these more ...

Blogging - what’s the point? (answer: Civic Surf)

Tuesday, September 16th, 2008

I’ve never been a big fan of blogs. Partly it was the word – there is a type of geek-techie who just loves to use a new word that no-one has ever heard of, just as everyone gets used to the old word – intranet, blog, web 2.0, whatever – as ...