Debate Europe - a discussion forum for European citizens

Thursday, December 4th, 2008

Discussion – Dialogue – Debate. That´s the slogan of the official discussion forum by the European Commission, “Debate Europe”. The Commission aims at actively listening to the public and getting involved into dialogue with citizens to raise trust in the European policy and to increase voter participation in the upcoming ...

New international conference on eParticipation and call for contributions, September 2009

Thursday, December 4th, 2008

Received a piece of news concerning a new international conference on eParticipation which may be of interest to you. As some of you probably know, 2009 will be the first time, ePart, a new International Conference on eParticipation (, will take place following the 8th international EGOV conference 2009 (part ...

How many local authorities do we need?

Tuesday, December 2nd, 2008

Just found some interesting figures about the number of local authorities in different European countries: As is increasingly recognised, UK local government already operates on a scale that would prompt most democratic countries to put inverted commas around ‘local’. Our 468 principal local authorities for the 60 million of us equate ...

New Research Funding on “e-Participation 2.0″ now available

Sunday, November 30th, 2008

On 17th November the European Commission published the new Work Programme for the ICT theme of the FP7 Specific Programme 'Cooperation', defining the priorities for calls for proposals closing in 2009 and 2010 and the criteria that will be used for evaluating the proposals responding to these calls. A specific objective ...

The eParticipatory museum

Thursday, November 27th, 2008

Electronic participation is often associated solely with political participation. But eParticipation tools are also used by companies like for example Starbucks. But Museums do not come to mind first when thinking about innovative ways to include the “users” into decision making processes. This first impression however is wrong. Many museums ...

Call for eParticipation articles for the European Journal of ePractice to be announced

Friday, November 14th, 2008

Dear Colleagues, Many of you may already know the European Journal of ePractice (EjeP), but do you know that the next special edition is devoted entirely to eParticipation! The 6th issue of the Journal provides a good chance to write articles based on our work and experiences and provide an excellent opportunity ...

A DSS for transparency and eParticipation, case study in Örebro

Monday, October 20th, 2008

Örebro University in cooperation with the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) is working on a project to develop a decision support system (DSS) which includes aspects of eDemocracy. The project will test and refine a model for transparent decision making and eParticipation (which we have tried earlier in another city) ...

My e-Dem Forum

Monday, October 20th, 2008

The 9th World e-Democracy Forum took place on Thursday and Friday last week in Issy-les Moulineaux (Paris) – and was worth attending. It is an open secret that the quality of conferences depends not only on the official programme, or maybe not even in the first place, but on the people ...

eParticipation Study publish 216 initaitives identified and first iteration of its recommendations

Wednesday, August 20th, 2008

As part of the ongoing eParticipation study eParticipation Study - titled “Study and supply of services on the development of eParticipation in the EU” -  for the European Commission (DG Information Society and Media) the following project deliverables has been submitted to the client and now published: eParticipation good practice ...

Uniting the Open Source efforts in eParticipation

Tuesday, July 29th, 2008

Almost all eParticipation projects are combinations of social methods and some sort of web based technology. At the BerlininJuly summit 2008 we discussed the aspect of open source technology for eParticipation which lead to some interesting thoughts and conclusions. In many cases the persons developing these technologies want to share ...