Open Source Software and Public Trust in eVoting

Tuesday, April 14th, 2009

Democratic societies of today face the challenge of upgrading public dialogue and reinforcing citizens' participation in decision making, thus passing from an e-government to an e-governance model. eVoting is an important aspect of this effort, while at the same time is one of the most controversial issues at a technological, ...

Uniting the Open Source efforts in eParticipation

Tuesday, July 29th, 2008

Almost all eParticipation projects are combinations of social methods and some sort of web based technology. At the BerlininJuly summit 2008 we discussed the aspect of open source technology for eParticipation which lead to some interesting thoughts and conclusions. In many cases the persons developing these technologies want to share ...

Stet helps you to discuss texts with a lot of people

Tuesday, June 3rd, 2008

In eParticipation efforts there is often the need to discuss and edit texts with a larger group of persons. They may be drafts of law texts, papers for parliaments or even recommendations for urban planning. This kind of work is often problematic and needs special attention by those who conduct ...