Open Source Software and Public Trust in eVoting

Tuesday, April 14th, 2009

Democratic societies of today face the challenge of upgrading public dialogue and reinforcing citizens' participation in decision making, thus passing from an e-government to an e-governance model. eVoting is an important aspect of this effort, while at the same time is one of the most controversial issues at a technological, ...

Bad Week for Social Networking

Wednesday, March 4th, 2009

Facebook has had a bad week with five different security issues coming to light.  Hackers are coming up with new ways to steal valuable data from users by manipulating the trust and social links that drive the network.  The latest being the posting of a fake YouTube link within profiles ...

eVoting: acceptance and challenges

Friday, September 5th, 2008

eVoting lies in the heart of eParticipation initiatives as it is related to the citizen's most fundamental right, the right to vote. Although significant eVoting initiatives have taken place in several countries (e.g. national elections in Estonia, Switzerland, etc.), eVoting is far from being fully accepted. It is still a ...