Next generation tools for digital activists

31. May 2009 – 22:52 by Civil College


Activists in the digital arena has to face with many different challenges - security, mobile enviroments, advance tools in citizen journalism and others. 

The group called TacticalTechnologyCollective  does a great and unique job on delivering strategic thinking guides and useful out of the box solutions and their collections for the new generations of activists - who are focusing on mostly the less developed part of the world. 

It is defenately comes to our advantage, if we check their informaiton package on Information Visualization for Advocacy or the general Maps for Advocacy - regardless we work on government side, or as NGOs.

Beside these useful guides, a beautiful set of books and dvds are packed together (with the great support coming from the Open Society Institute Information Programme) and available in a creative commons licence also for download.

Security in a box is supported by UN

To mention one of the next generation tools that they support - Ushahidi, which means “testimony” in Swahili, a platform that crowdsources crisis information. Allowing anyone to submit crisis information through text messaging using a mobile phone, email or web form. 

The tool has been used to monitor the elections in India recently, and now you can check the site, which has been created to visualize the cases of Swine Flu:

Hey, most of the work TacticalTech does, support and share is opensource!


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