Interview with Tim O´Reilly on open source software and the future of the web

23. June 2009 – 13:36 by Bengt Feil

Among those interested in the web Mr. O´Reilly does not need to be introduced. The founder of O´Reilly Media has been on the forefront of web development and an advocate of open source software since the 1980s. He may be best known among the social media crowd for his definition of the term Web 2.0 in 2005.

In the audio interview he is discussing the need and use of open source software and how its influence leads to changing business models. Most interestingly he talks about the recent development of applications and data moving into the cloud and the browser becoming the operating system. This development brings with it several problems, among which lock-in of users closed systems and their dependence on companies is one of the most pressing. Some companies may be tempted to build their business models on keeping their systems closed and monetizing on the lock-in of users. O´Reillys conclusion is that this view is short-sighted and companies have to be open-minded and supportive of open standards for data exchange to be successful in the long term.

I would highly recommend listening to this insightful and very entertaining interview.

The interview

Direct MP3 Link

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