Call for Authors: Beyond e-Government Measuring Performance: A Global Perspective12. January 2015 – 01:33 by Gov2U |
The Public Technology Institute (PTI) based in Washington, DC. and ITEMs International, based in Paris, will publish a new book in its highly successful “Global Perspective” Series, Beyond e-Government Measuring Performance: A Global Perspective to be published late 2009. This new book will explore the scope, growth, technology, applications, reporting systems regarding measuring e-Government. The principle authors/editors will be Dr. Alan R. Shark (www.pti.org) and Dr. Sylviane Toporkoff. (https://www.items.fr/).
Experts in the field in performance measurement of local government e-Government initiatives that are interested to be considered as an author are invited to contact either Dr. Shark (email: shark@pti.org ) or Dr. Toporkoff ( e-mail: stoporkoff@items-int.eu).
Expression of interest (one page outline of the proposal as well as a short bio) must be received by March 30th 2009.