Profile photo of Fraunhofer ISI (Ralf Lindner)

Workshop on E-Participation at the EP, May 26

20. May 2011 – 14:18 by Fraunhofer ISI (Ralf Lindner)

Can political communication via the Internet and e-participation contribute to the emergence of aEuropean public sphere?

Workshop at the European Parliament, Brussels, 26 May 2011, 9-13 hrs, Room JAN 4Q1.


The workshop is meant to reflect on the potentials and realistic prospects of Internet-based applications to contribute to the democratic practices of the evolving political system of the European Union and the formation of a European public sphere. There are examples of cases where positive effects of the Internet concerning the political process are visible, including e-consultations, e-petitions and other initiatives to encourage citizens’ participation. However, it becomes clear that not all of the potentials of the new technology have been realised so far and that apart from technical aspects, there are different legal, political and social issues which need to be addressed in the future.


9.00 Registration
9.30 Welcome address by STOA
Introductionand presentation of STOA project by Dr. Georg Aichholzer, ITA, Vienna

9.45  Session 1: A European e-public: Chances and restrictions of an Internet-mediated public opinion in Europe

Prof. Stijn Smismans, Cardiff University, Cardiff Law School.
Dr. Sandra González-Bailón, University of Oxford,Oxford Internet Institute and Nuffield College.

10.30 Inquiryby Members of Parliament and discussion

11.00 Coffee Break

11.30 Session 2: E-participation in Europe: Internet-based political participation as a pacemaker for a European public

Jeremy Millard, Danish Technological Institute, Denmark.
Dr. Andy Williamson, Hansard Society, Digital Democracy Programme,London.

12.15 Inquiryby Members of Parliament and discussion

13.00 Endof workshop after closing remarksby Dr. Georg Aichholzer, ITA, Vienna.


The workshop is free of charge, but you need to register in order to be able to enter the European Parliament.
To register please send an e-mail to until 23 May 2011 indicating your name, date of birth, nationality, city of residence and ID or passport number.
Further information:  Prof. Dr. Ralf Lindner, tel. +49 721 6809 292; Dr. Theodoros Karapiperis, tel. +32 2 28 43812

The workshop is organised by Fraunhofer ISI.

For more information on the project see:

STOA-Project E-public, e-participation, e-voting in Europe: Chances and limits of an Internet-enabled European democracy






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