Archive for the ‘Tools’ Category

Austrian E-Voting is successfully started!

Monday, May 18th, 2009

Today at 08:00 am the first legally binding electronic election in Austrian history went online! The Austrian Federal Student Union is being elected starting today morning and running until Friday via a remote electronic channel. Next week from Tuesday the 26th until Thursday the 28th of May an ordinary, paper ...


Sunday, May 17th, 2009 As a following to Politech Institute’s video “Public Actors in Second Life” the persistent online game created by its citizens SECOND LIFE VIDEO, I went back “in world “, rushed to the “search” option, and typed European Elections to see if something were happening there: I didn’t find a lot on that ...

Find your EU profile

Monday, April 27th, 2009

For those who haven't decided yet on their favourite party for the elections in the European Union, 4-7 June 2009, a new interactive web feature, the EU-profiler, helps to make up your mind. The tool promises support in discovering the political landscape for the upcoming elections in Europe. However, its ...

A Town Meeting on Biological Will in Italy

Sunday, April 26th, 2009

For those who may not know it, the Biological Will is a written statement made by a person who is sound ...

Technology use in the 2009 South African elections

Monday, April 20th, 2009

by Morten Meyerhoff Nielsen, Danish Technological Institute Much has been reported about the successful campaigning, fund raising and support canvassing by the 2008 Obama election campaign. Still the use of ICT to increase electoral participation, campaigning, consultation and voting is not a uniquely US phenomena. A multitude of eParticipation and eDemocracy ...

Using Facebook Connect and Google OpenID on eParticipation websites

Wednesday, April 1st, 2009

It is commonly accepted that the barrier to entry for participants in eParticipation action should be as low as possible. In this article I would like to take a look on a certain type of barrier, namely the registration processes on eParticipation websites, and how to make it easier for ...

eCampaigning Forum - 25 seats left!

Thursday, March 26th, 2009

Hurry, if you want to get in touch with the latest trends of  eCampaigning. The 6th annual eCampaigning Forum takes place in Oxford, UK. from 31 Mar.-1 Apr. 1. Learn with others how to get the most out of your eCampaingning despite budget cutbacks and redundancies in the current recession. 2. ...

Lessons in doing research using social media

Tuesday, March 10th, 2009

As part of my work for TuTech and on my scientific work at the University of Hamburg I use social media tools for research purposes on a daily basis. Tools like Google Trends or Backtype make is possible to take a deep look into what is going on in the ...

An alternative insider’s view on CAHDE

Wednesday, March 4th, 2009

This is a reply to the post: "Recommendation on E-democracy - adopted by the COE". It shall clarify the critiques on the CAHDE working-group, posted here earlier, which – in our opinion – missed out some details about the project. The Council of Europe (CoE) established in 2002 the Ad-Hoc Committee on ...

eParticipation: 5 Questions, 5 Answers (#1)

Monday, January 26th, 2009

For almost a decade I have been involved in the conceptualisation and realisation of eParticipation projects. Most of these projects were so-called moderated online discourses. The basic idea of these discourses is to create a meaningful link between the general public or the electorate and politicians or governments, between those considered ...